w3scholls截圖 w3scholls練習程式碼 #字典 keys:values, 張佑維 #w3schools原來 字串:字串,改成 整數:字串 a = { #市場價值最大的五家公司 2330: "台積電", 2317: "鴻海", 2454: "聯發科", 2412: "中華電", 6505: "台塑化" } print(a) print(a[6505]) print(a.get(2330))#功能同 a[2330] print(a.keys()) #keys()方法列出key搜尋鍵 print(a.values()) #keys()方法列出values值 b = a.copy() print("列出b " + str(b)) print(b[2317]) print(b.clear()) a.update({2308: "台達電"}) print(a.values()) print("用迴圈列出字典a的所有值") for t in a: print(a[t]) 字典方法Dictionary Methods Python has a set of built-in methods that you can use on dictionaries. Method Description clear() Removes all the elements from the dictionary copy() Returns a copy of the dictionary fromkeys() Returns a dictionary with the specified keys and value get() Returns the value of the specified key items() Returns a list containing a tuple for each key value pair keys() Returns a list containing the dictionary's keys pop() ...