張佑維利用w3school學習HTML,CSS,Borders 德 明 張 佑 維 Html上的物件,稱為元素body, p=paragraph, div=division, iframe框架 教學影片138 用w3schools編輯網頁 使用專業程式碼編輯器IDE整合開發環境 整合開發環境(Integrated Development Environment, IDE)。width霓度,height高度,src=source來源。 JAVA變數 String-字串- text, such as "Hello". String values are surrounded by double quotes int-整數- integers (whole numbers), without decimals, such as 123 or -123 F1oat-浮點數,買數- floating point numbers, with decimals, such as 19.99 or-19. 99 char-宇兀-single characters, such as'a'or'B'. Char values are surrounded by singlequotes$1i>boolean-邏輯stores values with two states: true or false